
Wiek: 33 Dołączyła: 22 Maj 2009 Posty: 16
2009-05-22, 19:48 angielski
1. Prepare a list of things that foreigners should be aware of when coming to Poland. Write ten sentences.
2. Some people say that thanks to dreams we can understand our lives better. Do you believe in dreams? How do you interpret your dreams? Have you ever had a dream that foretold the future? Write ten sentences.
3. What is more important for you - a family or a professional career? Write ten sentences.
jeśli ktoś lubi angielski to może mi pomóc
[ Komentarz dodany przez: Asiek: 22-05-2009, 23:16 ]
nie bawimy się w rozdrabnianie - pisz wszystko w jednym poście. pamiętaj i tym na przyszłość!